The group

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The Omnics Research group is an interdisciplinary research group established in joint labs among the University of Salento, CNR and INFN. Headed by Prof. Giuseppe Maruccio, the group presently consists of a Full Professor, three RTD-A researchers at Department of Mathematics and Physics (Univ. of Salento), four postdoc/research fellows and six Ph.D. students with different backgrounds from physics to life sciences working in close collaboration to foster exploratory and seeding research in cross-disciplinary areas with applications spanning from -onics (electronics, spintronics and magnonics) to -omics technologies (genomics, proteomics and cellomics).

Omnics laboratories represent the Italian node of the European Infrastructure on Magnetism (funded within the call H2020-INFRADEV-2018-2020, Work programme topic: Development and long-term sustainability of new pan-European research infrastructures, project ISABEL, Grant No. 871106) and are part of the Italian Innovative Research Infrastructure on applied Superconductivity (IRIS, Prot. IR0000003 , funded on Avviso n. 3264 del 28/12/2021 “Rafforzamento e creazione di IR nell’ambito del Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR)).

  • __Spintronics Entry

Prof. Giuseppe Maruccio (Group Leader)

Dr. Anna Grazia Monteduro
Dr. Silvia Rizzato
Dr. Angelo Leo

PostDoc / Research Fellows
Dr. Ritu Rawat
Dr. Sourav Kuila
Antonella Giacovelli
Eleonora Giannotta

Ph.D. students
Emanuele Piccinno (jointly with G. Giannelli, IRCCS-De Bellis-Castellana)
Saba Aziz
Andrea Margari
Giusi Caragnano
Noemi Petese
Fahad Usman

Former members
Dr. Chaitanya Lekshmi
Dr. Shilpi Karmakar
Dr. Susmit Kumar
Dr. Elisabetta Primiceri
Dr. Maria Serena Chiriacò
Dr. Zoobia Ameer
Dr. Antonio Turco
Dr. Fausto Sirsi

Former PhD students
Giuseppina Marzano (jointly with A. Ferramosca. M.E. Dell’Aquila, Okolab srl)
Angelo Milone (jointly with IBM-Research-Almaden and STMicroelectronics)
Ilaria Buja (jointly with A. Luvisi and Agritest)
Giulia Siciliano
Sophia Zoupanou

Former students (selected)
Dr. Pasquale Scarlino
Dr. Davide Iaia
Dr. Marco Scigliuzzo

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