Dr. Giuseppina Marzano

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e-mail: giuseppina.marzano@unisalento.it


Giuseppina Marzano (1991) graduated in Medical Biotechnologies and Molecular Medicine at the Dept. of Biosciences, Biotechnologies and Biopharmaceutics – University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Italy in 2015. She has a very interdisciplinary background. In fact, after graduation, she worked as a research collaborator on reproductive toxicology in farm animal models as alternatives to laboratory animals and on reproductive biotechnologies in farm animals for the purposes of animal production industry and as models for human reproductive medicine. Experimental activities included oocyte in vitro maturation, assessment of sperm motility by CASA, in vitro fertilization performed conventionally or by microinjection, time-lapse monitoring of in vitro embryo development, evaluation of oocyte and embryo mitochondrial activity and oxidative stress by means of laser scanning confocal microscopy. Since 2018, she is a PhD student in Nanotechnology at the Dept. of Mathematics and Physics “E. de Giorgi” – University of Salento, Italy, dealing with lab-on-chip technologies (sensors and microfluidics) and with standard biochemical assays to evaluate sperm bioenergetics, in collaboration with people from CNR NANOTEC – Institute of Nanotechnology (Lecce, Italy), University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, University of Coimbra (Portugal) and from Okolab s.r.l. (Italy) who are all partner of the same PhD project (PON FSE – FESR 2014-2020 (CCI 2014IT16M2OP005) – Axis I “Investments in Human Capital” Action I.1 “Innovative PhDs with industrial characterization” – project DOT1712250 code 2: Lab-on-chip for non-invasive sperm analysis and selection).

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