Combining different fundamental excitations is a recent route for quantum computation applications, with the promise to stimulate the development of new hybrid quantum technologies and protocols. In this frame, magnons exhibited strong stability in coupling with photons, when they are excited in ferro/ferri-magnetic (FM) materials, especially if Yttrium Iron Garnet (YIG) single crystals are used. In our labs, we investigate the interaction among the magnetization precession modes, in a small magnetically-saturated YIG sphere, and the MW electromagnetic modes, resonating in a tridimensional aluminum cavity, at room temperature. A rich spectrum characterized by several anti-crossing features is observed, because of the strong coupling regime in correspondence of various magnetostatic modes. Time-resolved studies show evidence of Rabi oscillations, demonstrating coherent exchanges of energy among photons and the involved magnons modes. For facilitating the analysis of the stationary spin-wave patterns, here we propose a new procedure, based on the introduction of a novel functional variable, related to the magnetic characteristics of the FM material and to the applied external electromagnetic field [A. Leo, A. G. Monteduro, S. Rizzato, L. Martina and G. Maruccio, Identification and time-resolved study of ferrimagnetic spin-wave modes in a microwave cavity in the strong-coupling regime, Phys. Rev. B 2020, Vol. 101, p., issn. 2469-9950,] .
Strong coupling among magnons and MW photons in cavity magnonics [A. Leo, A. G. Monteduro, S. Rizzato, L. Martina and G. Maruccio, Identification and time-resolved study of ferrimagnetic spin-wave modes in a microwave cavity in the strong-coupling regime, Phys. Rev. B 2020, Vol. 101, p., issn. 2469-9950,].
(top) 2D map as a function of frequency near TE101 and the introduced scaling variable. In this frame, MSMs appear equally spaced. (bottom) At 8.405 GHz, (m, m) modes are recognized up to m = 9. On the other hand, (m+1, m) excitations are not all visible (only the one corresponding to indexes reported in red and in large part being degenerate with (m, m) modes). [A. Leo, A. G. Monteduro, S. Rizzato, L. Martina and G. Maruccio, Identification and time-resolved study of ferrimagnetic spin-wave modes in a microwave cavity in the strong-coupling regime, Phys. Rev. B 2020, Vol. 101, p., issn. 2469-9950,].
(a) Transmission of a rectangular 3 us microwave pulse at TE101 through the cavity versus time and magnetic field. (b) Time-resolved 2D map with x axis rescaled as a function of MSM index. (c) Dynamics at resonance corresponding to strong coupling between TE101 cavity mode and (2, 2) MSM. (d) Damped oscillations of signal when cavity MWs are strongly coupled with (m, m) MSMs. [A. Leo, A. G. Monteduro, S. Rizzato, L. Martina and G. Maruccio, Identification and time-resolved study of ferrimagnetic spin-wave modes in a microwave cavity in the strong-coupling regime, Phys. Rev. B 2020, Vol. 101, p., issn. 2469-9950,].