Dr. Angelo Milone

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e-mail: angelo.milone@unisalento.it
skype: angelomilone


Angelo Milone (1994) graduated in Physics (bachelor’s degree) in 2016, and in Nanotechnologies, Matter Physics and Applied Physics (master’s degree) in 2018 at University of Salento (both of them magna cum laude) and attended the school of excellence I.S.U.F.I. (Istituto Superiore Universitario di Formazione Interdisciplinare) from 2013 to 2019, getting the degree in 2019 (magna cum laude). In 2017 he studied for 10 months at University of Granada, learning Spanish, in addition to French and English. In 2018 he interned at IBM Almaden – Research for a joint project between University of Salento and IBM, working on the “gas sensing project” and he completed his master’s Thesis “Optimization of Sensors for Volatile Organic Compounds detection”. In 2019, he and his group got the Prize “Best research project”, 2nd edition of Contamination-Lab, University of Salento. From 2018 he is a PhD student at CNR Nanotec – Institute of Nanotechnology and University of Salento and he is part of the Omnics research group; his studies concern Volatile Organic Compounds sensing platforms, researching on the hardware and the software development.

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