Noemi Petese

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skype: Noemi Petese


Noemi Petese (1991) graduated in Medical Biotechnologies and Nanobiotechnology at University of Salento (magna cum laude). She experienced the optimization of an impedenziometric device (EIS biosensor) analysing tumoral cell (hepatocarcinoma) cultures proliferation and characterizing the cellular response to treatment with chemotherapeutics at the CNR Nanotechnology Institute.

Since 2022, she is a PhD student at CNR Nanotec and University of Salento at the Dept. of Mathematics and Physics “E. de Giorgi”-Italy and she is part of the Omnics research group. Her reasearch studies concern Lab-on-Chip and Organ-on-Chip technologies (sensors and microfluidics) for biological and medical applications such as personalised medicine development and drug research aiming to contribute to the development of innovative preclinical tests supporting the traditional ones. She is also qualified for the profession of biologist.

Theme by Anders Norén